Roberto Matta

  • Roberto Matta
  • 1990
  • La Bezuga, Florence
  • lithographs
  • W 60 H 58 cm | W 23,6 H 22,8 in

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Musik-Foot by Roberto Matta is an artist’s book with 8 lithographs.

Edition: 100 + XXV

La Bezuga, Florence; 1990

Artist’s book with hard cover and collage. Printed entirely on hand-folded cotton paper, it contains eight lithographs of 55 x 58 cm each, which, together with the book covers, form a work more than 5 meters long. Hand signed and numbered. This artist’s book was produced in 1990, on the occasion of the World Cup.

Matta writes in the introductory text that “every ball is a crazy sun” and it is the ball, the symbol of the game par excellence, that connects one drawing to another, inspiring movements, exultation and surges of enthusiasm, momentum and joy in a hymn to the best part of sport.

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