El Verbo America
Roberto Matta
- Roberto Matta
- 1987
- La Bezuga, Florence
- lithographs
- W 51 H 72 cm | W 20,1 H 28,3 in
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El Verbo America by Roberto Matta is a folder with 6 color lithographs on Arches paper
Edition: 100 copies from 1 to 100 + XXV H.C.
La Bezuga, Florence; 1987
“Seeing the Word that America speaks, like the silkworm is the Word, is an extravagant proposition. What is the Word of every fetus, if not its becoming human consciousness. This anthology is an elementary push, for everyone to play by cultivating all the words that with chain explosion make reality explode and appear. Make yourself other anthologies of American poetry more and more lucid until you complete a Map of the Word America: this is agriculture. Like a key, I open and pass.”– Roberto Matta